As we look to launch our latest smartphone offering from HMD Global, the HMD Arrow, into the uber-competitive Indian smartphone space, a surge of excitement on this side is slowly brewing. However, underneath the surface, there will always be a feeling of uncertainty coming along together with the excitement. The article explores Arrow’s upcoming launch with two main subheadings on how it attracts the customers and occupies a crowded market. Now the publicity gets higher, we start to contemplate whether this new opponent is bear to outdo the show or whether it will disappear in mist after unable to satisfy the high standards of Indian people.

The Legacy of Nokia

Nokia has been occupying a front-ranking place in the market of cell-phones for a lengthy time. Its crafts are famous in making things to last, finding new ideas and it has permanent customers. Nevertheless, when smartphones appeared, they did a wonderful job that had made a huge impact in everything. These OEMs from far made it virtually impossible for Nokia to be maintained, which at the end, led to its fall. The subsequent change emboldened HMD Global to position themselves as a leader and to re-introduce the Nokia name to the world. They put together an approach that combined old tried-and-true methods with current technological advancements in order to resurrect fan and brand loyalty as well as brand popularity.

The HMD Pulse Series

Lackluster Reception

The HMD Pulse series customers and reviewers were not glad with. It was just a regular, quiet and competitive smartphone device which didn’t catch much attention of audience in a busy market.

Mixed Reviews

The feedback of Pulse series was positive yet negative, in a way some people diassembled it while others did not even notice. A vast majority of users and reviewers had doubts regarding the utilization problem and competitiveness of the gadgets.

Inadequate Market Penetration

Unfortunately, HMD Global struggled with promotional campaigns, as it was trying to sell the Pulse series and to use the Nokia brand’s past to achieve the goal. However, a slow development of the market and no long-lasting impression on customers made its rival take the leading position.

Limited Differentiation

One of the Pulse’s series downfalls was the fact that it was not that much different from other series. In contrast to the huge number of different smartphones selling on the market with different features and characteristics, the Pulse didn’t give customers the key to make a good decision in favor of switching to this model from other options.

Performance Concerns

Many consumers arriving at the Pulse series disliked that it was so slow, the picture quality was poor, and the battery life was unreliable as well. The characters’ issues turn the show worse, as well as, create its poor reaction.

Competitive Disadvantage

Existing players and new brands popped up onto the market, many of whom were rivals of the Pulse series, unable to establish itself and to find its own strengths. It parked itself on the margins of the smartphone market that was cutthroat and luring.

Anticipating the HMD Arrow Launch

The tech circle is deeply divided between excitement and a bit of doubt, as HMD Global prepares to launch the HMD Arrow, the most anticipated phone to be unveiled in India. The market response to the Arrow ultimately rests upon the company’s capability to operate this fruitful niche through overcoming the issues experienced with the prior models and to add on the unique values that will compel the sophisticated customers.

Hmd pulse aka hmd arrow front and back design
Image Courtesy: HMD

Analyzing the Specifications

Display Quality

Through the specs leaked, we saw that the name of the device is HMD Arrow; and according to the details, it will have a 6. 5-inch HD+ LCD screen. While HD+ resolution is acceptable for ”regular” day-to-day duties, users who are used to the sharper screens on some rival gadgets that have the same price might be discontented. It’s not clear if the device incorporates a dynamic picture that enhances the visual perception or lagged performance. It is absent from features like quicker refresh rates or HDR support.

Camera Capabilities

It is rumored that the HMD Arrow will be equipped with dual 13 Mp cameras on the back. Peoples are nowadays fortunate to have two-cameras smartphones priced in low to mid-range, but this doesn’t make it easy to decide how well Arrow’s camera system would work. Without knowledge of the sensor dimensions, lens size, or picture processing, I don’t know if the equipment will be capable of rendering excellent products under different lighting conditions and site. This would lead to photography lovers preferring other photography shops in the area.

Connectivity Options

One major specification which was omitted from the leaked description is the support for the 5G network. Quickly 5G networks growth and become more common in today. This makes the HMD Arrow to have no this feature, which may cause a major breakdown. The public needs more 5G functional electronic devices as a requirement of the day. Not because of its popularity or competitiveness, the lack of connectivity in this market, the Arrow obviously can’t compete with 5G.

Competing in a Crowded Landscape

From the leaked specs, it can be observed that the head-mounted display from HMD Arrow could be a 6. 5-inch HD+ LCD screen. HD+ will suit most tasks avarage consumers undertake but people accustomed to HD+ quality and costs of other devices might feel dissapointed. To me, it is not clear that the device can provide you the best viewing experience due to the fact that it is not have things like higher refresh rates or HDR support.

It is said that the HMD Arrow would carry two 13MP main cameras at the back. Many smartphones from lower to medium levels now have two cameras, but is not sure how the Arrow camera system function. Without knowing about the sensor size, lens aperture and image processing, it’s hard to say whether the device will produce pictures with high quality in a large number of different lighting conditions or a shooting situations. This may, in turn, make it less exciting a subject to follow for photography enthusiasts.

The Importance of Value Proposition

The diligence of consumers is high on today’s buyers check list. Thus, brands need to provide a clear and compelling value statement to engage their targeted customers. As appealing as the legacy Nokia brand name may be to those with nostalgic and loyal feelings, the experience may be worth much less if the products are unaffordable and uncompetitive. To place the HMD Arrow in an extremely competitive Indian market, the car has to be a combination of performance, reliability and affordability.

Brand Perception

Although HMD Global is possibly using only the heritage of Nokia name to be attractive for young buyers, what really matters is the real feelings invented by them. The HMD Arrow could spark sales at the beginning because it evokes memories and feelings in customers but, for this device to remain competitive over time, it needs to not only deliver a great user experience but also to solve customers’ needs, wants, and challenges.


While the HMD Global is on the edge of the impending release of the HMD Arrow in India, it has reached the milestone where either it overwhelms the market to make a permanent impression or fades away from the consumers’ mind. Whether or not alluding to Nokia’s comeback brings hope, it is the ability that the Arrow possesses to add new ideas, performance and value that will determine if it truly competes in a market whose competition is already stiff.


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